Monday, October 29, 2007

June 2007

It's great to be 8!
~June 16, 2007~
Kaitlyn's Baptism day was a very special day for our family. Lonny had to work all night and got off at 8am. So we asked to have the later time, to assure he would be home from work. So, we had a breakfast with our family before and then went to the Baptism together. The Spirit was very strong, I know she won't remember everything that was said that day, but I hope she will always remember how she felt. While we waited our turn for the font, our Primary President, Stephanie Teuscher, passed out pieces of paper to everyone. She instructed us to write down our testimonies or thoughts and then she gathered them again and made them into a little momento book for Kaitlyn to keep. It was just another special thing to help her remember how important the day was. Thanks to all who shared this special event with us.

Special day, Special girl!

1 comment:

Becky said...

How sweet!!!
Post some pics of your cruise!!