Here are some questions I had her answer (for the record)....
Did you like wearing Pioneer clothing? When it was cold YES. When it was hot NOO.
What was your Trek family like? Well, my ma was always making life comfortable for others no matter where it put her. My pa was the encourager. My brothers (Cody, Easton, and Kelton) were the strong ones. My sister Heidi was strong and popular, Grace sort of did her own thing and Kendall was always talking with the boys.
What did you do to pass the time as you walked, and walked, and walked, AND walked? Mostly I thought and thunk and thought some more. Sometimes about pioneers, sometimes about music actually a lot about music. Also Grace, Heidi, and I sung a lot of songs (mostly disney) and Ma. We also talked a lot. President Riggs passed and we asked him what his favorite song was and found out that his favorite disney character is King Loui.
Tell us about the food you ate and how you cooked it? The food was magically filling and that was good enough for me. But the only food we 'cooked' was a PBJ.
What was your favorite thing about the Trek? Game day. You see we didn't just walk and walk and walk. The third day we had a game day and it was the bomb. That day we had chocolate cake bonus.
What did you learn about the Pioneer's? They were stronger physically then I thought.
What was your most memorable Spiritual Highlight? When we read the letters sent from home.
Was it worth missing the last 2 days of school? Heck yes! I'd do it again in a heart beat!
And then, 10 days after the Trek, she left for Girls Camp. She missed a lot of the getting ready stuff for Camp, but luckily I was the Camp Director for our Ward. It was so fun to be with her at Camp. Taylor gets along with everyone, and makes friends with everyone. She is always smiling, and never complains.
Arriving at camp, the buses broke down and they were on the HOT bus with no A/C for about 2 hours, then the buses had to drop them off a 1/2 mile from Camp. You'd never know by the look on Tay Tay's face!
Taylor in the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Camp Pants" (Taylor and Hannah designed these and they each took a turn, along with Hannah's mom wearing them one day at camp!)
Humanitarian Project Class
There was no stopping Taylor at the water hole. The "Arizona" in her really comes out when she is around water, she went down rock slides, jumped off rocks, and the water was FREEZING!
Hope you had fun on all your Church Adventures, but we are glad they are all over and we get to finally hang out with you!!